Storing Sweet Corn

Achieving a good crop of sweet corn is one of the most fulfilling things about growing summer vegetables. The (good) problem is that, unless you have organised succession cropping, you will end up with a lot of sweet corn all ready at the one time. I have found that a good method of storing sweet corn is to cut the kernels from the cobs, and place the corn (without boiling or blanching it) into Glad Bags, expelling as much air as possible from the bags. The size of bag would depend on how many people there are in your family, but the idea would be to use a bag of corn per meal as one vegetable.

Zip-seal the bags, and store them in the freezer until you need to use them. They will store perfectly well for many months – in fact, we recently used a bag of sweet corm that had been in the freezer for 12 months. That was a bit long to keep that bag of corn, but the contents were still palatable.

By David Ashton


Organic insect spray


Companion Planting