The Benefits of Rain
By Helmut Glenk
We all know our plants need water to grow and flourish and depend on rain or on water provided by irrigation (watering). There are however some distinct benefits for plants from rain as to water supplied from mains though a tap. I am sure you have noticed how quickly plants appear and grow after a decent downpour.
1. As rain drops fall through the atmosphere they absorb nitrates. These nitrates are a form of nitrogen which are essential for plant growth. The rain delivers the nitrates directly to plants and they can use them immediately for growth. On the other hand, water that is stored in tanks etc soon becomes depleted of these nitrates.
2. Rain covers the whole garden and gives the entire area an even moisture content whereas watering is often area specific creating an uneven moisture content, that is, very wet areas and drier areas. Most plants like a more consistent moisture distribution which is provided by rain.
3. Mains water often contains chemicals (Fluride, Chlorine etc) which can alter the pH range in the soil if appied in high doses. Rain helps to flush away these minerals from the plant roots.
Don't ever complain about the rain!!